Tianjin yu da xin sheng steel co., LTD.

Distributed photovoltaic power generation Distributed photovoltaic stents


Speaking of distributed photovoltaic power generation and distributed photovoltaic stents, everyone can be strange, this is what kind of product? How to send power? Distributed photovoltaic power generation is how to generate electricity with the help of the stent, what is the relationship between the two are? We are here in a tianjin manufacturing pv stent manufacturers, our products are mainly distributed photovoltaic stents, solar stent, detailed below to introduce you to our advantage and the bright spot for you to join us! We welcome your arrival!
Distributed photovoltaic power generation refers to the user in a nearby field construction, use of distributed photovoltaic spontaneously to generate electricity for private use, it has a balance of power distribution system to adjust power generation facilities, USES the photovoltaic modules, convert solar energy directly to electrical energy distributed generation system. It is a new, has the broad prospects for development of the power and the way of comprehensive utilization of energy, it advocates the nearby power, came to the interconnection and nearby transformation, using the principle of near, currently the most widely in distributed photovoltaic power generation, environmental protection effectively solve the problem of loss of power booster long-distance transportation!
Distributed photovoltaic and difference between large photovoltaic power station on the ground in the following several aspects:
Distributed photovoltaic immunity power generation business license.
Unstable electricity, electricity charge, the restriction of the building owner production status, the photovoltaic power station is attached to the building owner, especially the grid designed variable user once the owners shut down or the firm, the photovoltaic power station will not be able to generate electricity.
Industrial pollution is big, attached to the components of pollutants, reducing power, at the same time increase the cost of cleaning.
The service life of the plant caigang watts roof is less than plant life.
Distributed grid photovoltaic power station and conflicts of interest, spontaneous private parts to reduce the electricity grid.
Distributed photovoltaic power station due to the ownership of the roof does not belong to the project owners, can't do mortgage, financing more difficult.
Especially on distributed photovoltaic building near the site users, operation mode to the user side spontaneous for private use, excess capacity on the Internet, and in the power distribution system adjustment characteristics of the photovoltaic power generation facilities.
Photovoltaic power station, it is to point to a way to use the sun light energy release, the use of special materials such as silicon, composed of electronic components such as inverter power generation system, connected to the grid and sending electricity to the grid photovoltaic power generation systems. Photovoltaic power station is one of the largest green power at present belongs to the state encourages efforts to develop energy projects. Can be divided into with battery and without battery grid-connected power generation system. Divided into solar-thermal power generation and photovoltaic solar power. Now period into the commercial solar power, means the solar photovoltaic power generation.
Is currently the most widely distributed photovoltaic power generation system, is built in the city building roof of photovoltaic power generation project. This project must be connected to the public grid, together with the public grid users nearby.

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Tianjin yu da xin sheng steel co., LTD  

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Contact:Manager wang
address:Jing wang fruits of DaQiuZhuang Town JinHai street on the west side 200 meters